Easter Edition! Who is the leader who empowered you?

It was Easter this last weekend and there is no doubt that I am influenced by the leadership of Jesus Christ. So I decided that this episode would be about empowerment. In my opinion, there is no one who better empowered than Jesus. He is the ultimate example of empowerment. If you are seeking empowerment, check out the words of Jesus. He took the down and outers and created a movement that is the most influential throughout the world today. May you be strengthened and empowered today! #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #Training #WorkingGenius

  • It was Easter this last weekend and there is no doubt that I am influenced by the leadership of Jesus Christ. So I decided that this episode would be about empowerment. In my opinion, there is no leader who better empowered than Jesus. This single man spent 3 years leading his team and from these 12 people came a movement of 2 billion people. Incredible!

    Many years ago, one of my mentors in Sydney believed in me so much that when I started sharing a vision for a new venture, he found an angel investor and we started training groups all over regional NSW where they couldn’t afford my services. I couldn’t have achieved that by myself, there were too many barriers for me as a young man. It took a leader who was willing to empower someone else to see that dream fulfilled. I’m incredibly grateful to Andrew for his contribution in my life and leadership.

    So, in turn, the empowerment that Andrew gave me is something I aim to share with those I lead. I aim to encourage when they are down, motivate when they are feeling stuck, help them find a new way when the hurdles look too big. When someone doesn’t believe they have what it takes, I come alongside them with the courage, the empowering and the coaching to keep on going.

    Here are three really practical ways you can empower others.

    Find out what their story is. just listen. We don’t need to comment or tell them about our story. We need to listen. When we truly listen in this way, we are communicating something really powerful. We are telling our team member we believe their story is important, that they are important, that we want them to succeed. This unsaid, yet practised valuing is worth more than a thousand words.

    Encourage them in their hopes and dreams. Let’s be honest. This is difficult as a leader because their hopes and dreams could mean that they leave our team. But if we really think it through. Is it better for our world and society if someone is encouraged to reach for their dreams or stifled? Jesus showed us just much things can grow when we empower others and relinquish control. You know, The irony is that I can think of 2 specific team members who had dreams outside of the organisations I worked for at the time. I encouraged them and asked how I could support them in those goals. Both of those team members so loved being a part of my teams that they ended up staying beyond my finishing up.

    Resource them: perhaps you can give them extra responsibility or training. Maybe you can introduce them to a friend they should meet. At the end of the day, when we as leaders use our power to resource others, we are writing the story that leadership is about using my position and power for the good of others. Believe me, that empowering belief you instil in others will come back to you when you need empowering.

    I encourage you in your journey to find the leaders who have empowered you and to thank them! Ss we are thankful for what they have poured into our life, we will find ourselves wanting to empower others.

    You maybe listening and thinking; ‘I am not sure if anyone has empowered me.’ I’m sorry that you haven’t seen empowering and relational leadership in action. If this is you, I want to point you to the words of Saint Paul. He says, ‘I can do all things through him (through Jesus) who strengthens me’. You may feel like no one has championed you, but Jesus, the God of Heaven and Earth wishes to strengthen you so that you can achieve more than you could hope or dream. He is the ultimate example of empowerment. If you are seeking empowerment, check out the words of Jesus. He took the down and outers and created a movement that is the most influential throughout the world today.

    May you be strengthened and empowered today!


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