Have you been asked to change, without direction as to where to go?

I regularly find that Kotter’s 8 principles of change management are incredibly helpful. I would not typically use them as a change management tool within a project or in your day to day work. These principles are brilliant when you have a frustration in your culture or the way your team works together. #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #Training #WorkingGenius

  • Where are you going?! If you and your people don’t understand where you are going and why, you won’t get there! It makes perfect sense right? But, how often have we tried to achieve something without communicating exactly what we are trying to achieve?

    John Kotter, change management guru, writes, ‘A useful rule of thumb: if you can’t communicate the vision to someone in five minutes or less and get a reaction that signifies both understanding and interest, you are not yet done with this phase of the transformation process.’ The updated time frame for 2024 is probably closer to 30 seconds!

    I am in the process of starting a new business and it is an arduous journey, demanding full-time commitment to crafting a detailed business plan, financials, and establishing an online presence through a website. The introspective process of defining personal identity, passions, and value contribution has been time-consuming, intensifying the emotional toll. Amidst the challenges, there have been notable victories, yet the thought of giving up has lurked on the sidelines. The driving force behind perseverance lies in a profound understanding of the envisioned future and a steadfast belief in its worth. The commitment stems from a conviction that the endeavour can make a meaningful impact, ushering in positive change. I want to create a movement of self-aware, empathic, and purpose-driven leaders who will redefine history: ensuring that all humanity benefits.

    So what are your next steps?

    Set aside 30 minutes in your calendar to clarify your vision. If you want change, this is vital. Or if you have recently reconsidered your vision; close your eyes for 5 minutes, think through your vision and one thing you can proactively do today to work towards it.

    Develop a road map, a strategy to achieve this vision. Spend time with some people in your organisation, not just senior leaders, but people who will give honest feedback. Reconsider your vision together, look through some of your key strategies. Are they helping you achieve your preferred future?

    Most importantly for your change effort, talk it through with the people who need to change to make it happen. They need to be excited with you for what is ahead.

    There’s an ancient biblical proverb.. “Where there is no vision, the people perish”. Make sure you are actively putting yourself in a position to thrive.


Your preferred future is clear to you. So are you communicating it? Enough?


Do you know who your allies are?