Vision, Mission and Value Statements
If you would like to do some more research about Vision. Here are some great links.
World Vision Vision and Values: I love World Vision's Vision statement. It is incredibly concise, yet ginormous in scope. Very inspiring.
An analysis of Apple’s Vision statement: Apple is one of the largest companies in the world. And their vision is massive. They continue to create products people love and to work towards 'leaving the world better than they found it'.
22 examples of Vision Statements and a great guide in writing a vision statement: An excellent overview of some big vision statements and some good pointers if you want to reconsider your statement as well.
This Blog post from Biteable is an excellent explanation of Mission Statements and has some great examples of Mission Statements too.
This video is succinct, and entertaining and it answers this really important question!
How to write a Mission Statement that doesn't suck!
Remember, a clear mission statement is not just a document; it's a declaration of intent, a roadmap to a better, purpose-driven future. Until next time, keep leading with purpose, and may your mission guide you to success.
Value Statements
I respect the company Patagonia. They have some pretty lofty values, and they work hard to achieve them. Their customers love them and are loyal to them for it. Check out this Youtube explanation about how Yvon Chouinard, the founder of Patagonia uses his love of nature (his values) to create loyalty and a brand that people love.
This a brilliant article from Patrick Lencioni, founder `of the Table Group and Creator of the Working Genius. It helps us to see why Value Statements can work for our benefit or destruction.