Lack of Vision and Alignment: 10 Traits of Terrible Leadership
Over the coming weeks I am speaking about 10 traits which define great leadership. More accurately, I am going to speak about how we sub-consciously derail our leadership and team because we are not actively thinking these things through.
This week's episode of the podcast focuses on Vision and Alignment.
Have you spent time developing your Vision, Mission and Values? More importantly do you think through how they connect to your work? Have you connected your staff's tasks to the Values and Mission to ensure they feel meaning and purpose in their work?
Check out this week's episode for an inspiring story that will encourage you to think through whether your team is connected to your vision.
When was the last time you spoke about your Vision with your team? Not in a presentation or some high-level meeting but in a way that connected to the task at hand?
Over the next few weeks we’re breaking down common pitfalls that hold leaders back and how to rise above them. Today, we’re talking about the importance of vision—or, more accurately, what happens when leaders forget about it.
Here’s the big question: Do you have a clear and compelling vision that inspires your team? Having a vision isn’t enough. I have found many companies where the vision statement has had money and time poured into developing something breathtaking and then it is added to the website and promptly forgotten by the team. What matters is whether it’s reaching and motivating your people.
Take a moment to imagine asking one of your team members about your vision. Could they recite it? Are they passionate about it? And more importantly than reciting words, do they understand how their work contributes to making the vision a reality?
There’s a powerful story about President John F Kennedy visiting NASA in 1962. He asked a janitor, “What are you doing?” The janitor replied, “I’m helping put a man on the moon.” I bet the NASA offices were amazingly clean too! That sort of connection to an inspiring vision will elevate joy, engagement and productivity.
So let’s reflect:
Are your team members merely checking off tasks, or do they see themselves as part of something greater?
What are you doing to make sure that each person knows their contribution to the vision?
Are you intentional about sharing your vision regularly, not just as words but in a way that resonates and empowers?
Spend some time today reminding yourself about why you are so passionate about your vision as well.