We Just Get Stuff Done!
I was coming back from the beach the other day and I noticed a new sign up out the front of a residential property. Now I forget what services the person was offering. But, interestingly, their slogan was, ‘We just get stuff done!’ If you have the Genius of Tenacity, you probably find yourself telling others this is your personal slogan! Or you get frustrated with others who struggle to complete projects with the same consistency you have.
Here’s the thing: I don’t have the Genius of Tenacity. I regularly finish things because I need to and it feels good when I do. But does it bring me joy? Do I find editing each episode of this podcast for the 3rd time enjoyable? No! I would be just as happy Using my Genius of Discernment and Galvanising to put together a plan and rally the troops and then let the team at it. The Genius of Tenacity, on the other hand, thrives in the head’s down, let’s keep on going until this is a definite tick on that task list.
Make sure that you check out this week’s podcast to find out more information about the Genius of Tenacity.
If you have the Genius of Tenacity, you might see a slogan like "I just get stuff done" as a personal mantra. People with this genius thrive on completing tasks and don’t stop until the job is done. They bring an intense commitment to execution, a drive that propels projects forward and ensures results.
The Working Genius model is designed to help people understand what brings them energy and satisfaction in their work. Each of the six Working Geniuses represents unique strengths that enhance productivity and team cohesion. In this series, we’re exploring each one to help you identify and leverage your own Working Genius.
A prime example of the Genius of Tenacity is Thomas Edison, who reportedly made over 1,000 attempts before successfully inventing the light bulb. His relentless persistence is a hallmark of this genius—an unwillingness to quit until the goal is met. Edison exemplifies the power of Tenacity, facing failure after failure yet pushing forward, committed to achieving his vision.
The Genius of Tenacity centers around driving results, meeting standards, and ensuring tasks are completed. People with Tenacity thrive on getting things done, and they gain genuine satisfaction from crossing items off their list and seeing the impact of their work. They excel under deadlines, undeterred by challenges, and bring a heightened level of accountability and polish to each project.
Here’s what people with the Genius of Tenacity often say:
“This is going to get done.”
“We need to raise our standards here.”
“Let’s make sure we hit our deadline.”
“Give it to me—I’ll take care of it.”
And here’s what others might say about them:
“He never misses a deadline.”
“She’s not interested in excuses.”
“Don’t get in his way; he’s on a mission.”
“Failure isn’t an option for her.”
If someone on your team has the Genius of Tenacity, they’ll thrive with a clear task list and will appreciate goals they can own and deliver. However, avoid overloading them; their commitment can lead them to take on too much.
If Tenacity is your genius, use it to set a high standard for your team, inspiring them to finish strong. Your clients will appreciate your dedication to quality, polish, and timely delivery.