Are you a cow or a buffalo?
What can we learn from the cow and buffalo? Should we face our fears or run from them? In this weeks vlog I share from this excellent story from Shola Richards, CEO and founder of Go Together Global.
CEO, author and key-note speaker, Shola Richards tells a story about a really difficult time in his life. In fact his despair led him to attempting to take his own life. After this happened, Shola was sitting with his Dad who gave this advice.
Shola, be the buffalo and not the cow.
Shola, be the buffalo and not the cow.
He explained that when a storm approaches, the cow instinctively runs away, but as the storm overtakes it, the cow continues to run in the same direction, prolonging its time within the storm's grasp. In contrast, the buffalo charges directly into the storm. By confronting the adversity head-on, the buffalo shortens its time in the storm and emerges stronger and more resilient from the experience. Be the buffalo, not the cow!
I have been the cow. I have run away and I have found myself prolonging the uncertainty, the stress and the pain. But, when I actively choose to face my fears I really have grown stronger and know I am capable of so much more.
I once took on a role that required me to speak in front of large groups on a weekly basis. The nerves quickly set in, and the constant demand for public speaking started to wear on me, leading to anxiety. There were times when I was emotionally drained and felt like giving up. But I made a decision to confront my fears, to understand the root of my anxiety, and to push through. I knew that some of the people I was speaking to were critical of me, talking behind my back - They disliked both me and what I did. That was tough to handle, however, recognizing the source of my fear allowed me to overcome it. I chose to face my fears, anxiety, and challenges head-on. I committed to growing, leading, and moving forward even when I didn’t think I could. Like the Proverb of the Cow and the Buffalo, I decided to run into the storm and confront my fears, and in doing so, the storm made me stronger. In fact, I wouldn’t have the courage to record these podcasts today if I hadn’t faced those fears.
I want to encourage you. If you are in the middle of the adversity, the pain, the chaos, I understand at least the emotions you are feeling. You are made for a time such as this. You have got this. Take it one day, one step, one bite at a time. May you look back and see how much stronger you have become because you chose to face the adversity like the Buffalo.