Do you value your Values?
Your Value Statement defines your culture for good or for bad. Listen in to the episode to find out more. Is your value statement serving your business positively? #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #Training #WorkingGenius
I remember walking through the halls of a new workplace and seeing a bunch of the values plastered over the walls. It excited me to be working in a place where the values resonated with me. However it didn’t take me long to find out that one of the values, in particular, was not adhered to at all. Have you ever found yourself in that situation? How did it leave you? Did you last long there?
When we find our actions or the actions of our workplace at odds with our proclaimed values, a very uneasy schism results. We find ourselves expending a lot of energy because internally, we realise that we are not acting with integrity.
Value Statements, along with our Vision and Mission can often get forgotten. Yet, Value Statements are so powerful for either the positive or the negative. They serve as the moral compass of our organisations, guiding us in the decisions we make and the paths we choose.
Our Value Statements set our culture. Always! If we live by them, they make us stronger; our employees and clients trust in us grows. Over time our brand and our products become trusted because, like the old saying goes, ‘we are practicing what we preach’.
Take the example of a company like Patagonia. Their commitment to environmental sustainability isn't just a marketing strategy; it's a deeply ingrained value. It influences their product design, supply chain decisions, and even their stance on social and environmental issues. This authenticity builds trust, not just with customers but with employees too.
One more reason that values are particularly important. Millennials and younger generations are becoming far more in tune with their personal values. And in a world where staff are increasingly moving jobs, you need to ensure your organisation is one that invites young people into a positive culture. If young people smell incongruence, they will be out of there. The cost of attrition and re-training is well documented. Some time spent making sure your values are true could seriously effect your bottom line.
If you are the key decision maker in your company I encourage you to find two or three of your team who you know will give you honest feedback and ask how they believe the companies values are affecting your business. If you are a parent wanting to lead your family, I encourage you to sit down with your family and talk about what values you share. If you are a team leader take 10 minutes at your next team meeting to discuss one of your values. Does your team agree with them? Is your organisation living up to these values? Are there any examples of incongruence? What could you do as a team to better live up to these values?
Make your values the cornerstone of your decision-making process. It's not just about what you achieve; it's about how you achieve it.