Have you reconsidered your vision lately?

Our Vision, Mission and Value Statements can become those pieces of paper that we forget about unless we intentionally revisit them regularly.  This episode and the next two will remind us of the importance of these statements.  The start of the year is a really good time to revisit and reconsider these important guiding documents. #LeadershipDevelopment #Coaching #Training #WorkingGenius

  • Something that really energises me is hiking! One of my favourite local spots, Bally Mountain, is a pretty significant climb - but the reward for reaching the summit is an almost 360 degree view of the Gold Coast. It’s breathtaking!

    When I’m hiking I am reminded of vision because, a good vision is the end point for your journey. A good vision tells us where we are going; it inspires you, your team and your organisation; it tells your clients of the great things that are going to be achieved and importantly, helps your team determine a strategic path forward.

    Here are three points that are important if you are creating or considering your Vision:

    A vision is an idealised picture of the future organisation. I like to describe the vision as the end of the journey. The mountain peak that you are hiking towards, the exciting destination that you are travelling to. The hike up Bally Mountain is nearly 500 metres in elevation. Yet, knowing that I am going to see that view at the top keeps me going. A good vision helps you keep on going.

    A vision should not be immediately achievable. A good example is World Vision International’s vision, ‘Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness’. It is short, it makes it clear what World Vision seeks to do and it is grand in scope. It inspires me to think that this company wishes to end poverty for all children!

    Your vision should express your reason for existence in a way that inspires you and your clients. I provide training and coaching for businesses. That is what I and a hundred others do. But “the why”, your purpose, is the most important part. I want to contribute to a movement of empowered, empathic, and purpose-driven leaders who will make a lasting impact around the globe. It speaks to deeper than what I do. It speaks to who I am and why I exist.

    When a leader's vision is effective and strong, our people are motivated, they absorb the vision, and commit themselves to creating goals that work towards that brighter future. A great vision is also the best starting point for a strong strategy. When your vision is strong, your strategy can become better defined too. A strong vision helps a leader determine the important and the not-so-important.

    So today, consider your vision. Does it inspire you? Is it big enough? Does your vision energise you to reach for what seems impossible?


Why would you want a Mission Statement?

