I love the Genius of Enablement!

I love the Genius of Enablement. And it's not because it's one of my geniuses. I love it because when I am around people with this Genius, I am so well supported. If you’re a leader with the Genius of Enablement you are a gift to your team. Someone with the Genius of Enablement is likely to be good at, and derive energy from seeing the road blocks for others and helping them to remove these barriers. This is an essential part of good leadership. 


So how do you know if this is one of your geniuses? Make sure that you listen to this weeks podcast for a better description of the Genius of Enablement. If you believe you have this Genius then think through the opportunities you have in your work to support others. Your generosity will increase the joy and energy in your team and your projects will be completed faster and better. If you suspect that someone might have this Genius empower them to use it to see the gaps and provide support as they see fit. They will feel valued in being able to offer their Genius in this way to the team.

To find out about the 6 types of Working Genius:

Wonder. Invention. Discernment. Galvanising. Enablement. Tenacity.

  • Are you someone who finds energy in supporting others and filling in gaps, even if unnoticed? You might have the Genius of Enablement.

    The Working Genius model provides self-awareness about what energises you at work and can enhance your productivity. Each Working Genius type represents unique strengths, and during this series, we have been exploring these traits to help you better understand what your Working Genius may be.

    I believe a prime example of the Genius of Enablement is Oprah Winfrey, who has an extraordinary ability to empathise with her audience, uncover unseen details, and bring them to light, offering invaluable support and insight.

    The Genius of Enablement focuses on answering the call to action and providing others with the seamless support they need to succeed. People with this genius find joy in being the “glue” that holds teams together, helping others get started and stay on track. Their value can sometimes go unrecognised, even by themselves, because they see their supportive nature as simply being “nice” or “helpful.” However, this genius enhances team morale, trust, and appreciation, making it essential for collaborative success.

    Common phrases of people with this genius include:

    • “I’m in; let me know how I can help.”

    • “This is exciting; count me in!”

    • “I want to support this; what do you need?”

    The Genius of Enablement often brings invaluable, quiet contributions to a team, ensuring excellence by filling in overlooked details. As a leader, I have immense appreciation for this genius in my colleagues who often see the details that I overlook.

    If someone in your team has the Genius of Enablement make sure that you notice their work. Noticing them and praising them will boost their morale and loyalty.

    If you have the Genius of Enablement, make sure that you have opportunity to support others. If you are the team leader, use this genius to remove obstacles for your team. This will feel natural and enjoyable for you. However, be careful not to use this genius as an excuse for not getting your own work done. Your natural inclination towards helping others can mean that you forget to look after yourself and your responsibilities.


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