What is Your Genius?

The more I lead, the more I realise that the best leaders continue working on their own self-awareness. Over the next 6 weeks I will discuss the 6 Working Geniuses. Can you see your working genius? Do you love to ask questions? Or are you frustrated when your team wants to spend some time brainstorming? 

To find out more about the Genius of Wonder go to https://www.shanekuchel.com.au/resources/working-genius

  • I have always loved self-awareness tools. Actually, I believe the better we know ourselves the better we can lead others. What sets the Working Genius Tool apart is it’s simplicity. It is so simple that it can be implemented into teams in the matter of a few hours. And I have literally seen the difference in productivity and positive culture within a matter of minutes. It is an incredible tool. Over the next few weeks I am going to unpack each of the working geniuses. See if you can figure out your genius.

    The first genius is Wonder.

    The Genius of Wonder involves pondering and asking questions, contemplating the reasons why things are the way they are. People with this genius derive joy and energy from thoughtfully observing the environment around them and wondering whether there might be a different or better way. Compared to other geniuses, Wonder is not the most observable genius, because it is a mostly internal process. However, almost every new initiative, program or project begins because someone wonders. The benefits of this genius include asking big questions, prompting people to consider assumptions that may need to be questioned, and challenging the status quo.

    When I have spent time with people with the Genius of Wonder they ask the best questions. They have this incredible way of dissecting the World with their questions. People with the Genius of Wonder love those brainstorming meetings where the questions of Why, how, who, where, and what are encouraged. 

    Now, the genius of wonder is one of my working frustrations so I am not naturally inclined towards brainstorming. I always used to think it was a waste of time. However, the more time I spend considering the work process, I realise this genius is essential for a team to continue innovating. 

    Think about any of the Change Management processes, There is not a single one I am aware of where it is not important to question how things currently are. Asking good questions and being honest with our answers helps us to improve and to innovate. The Genius of Wonder is an absolute gift to your team if you want to improve.

    This week, spend some time thinking through whether you or one of the people around you have the Genius of Wonder. Do you love to ask questions? Do you spend time with your eyes closed asking how things could be changed? 

    Or is it your frustration? Does the idea of brainstorming give you nightmares? Are you a person who just wants to get on with the job? If that sounds more like you, then Wonder is probably not one of your Working Genius. 

    If Wonder is your genius. Then make sure you use it this week. If it’s not your genius, find it in your friends and colleagues and encourage them in their genius. 

    Make sure that you jump in next week to find out about the genius of invention. And if you’re keen to find out what your Working Genius is.


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