Who’s With Me?

Do you have the Genius of Galvanising?

Those who have the Genius of Galvanising are the energy-bringers in the work process. A new idea has been thought through, it’s been developed and discerned and now it is time to get the team on board, energised and excited about the new work ahead. Enter the Galvanisers. If you have the Genius of Galvanising you love to gather your people. You love to measure and lift the energy in the room. Your Genius is vital for creating a workplace that people love to work in!

To find out more about the Working Genius of Galvanising go to www.shanekuchel.com/working-genius.

  • Do you get excited about motivating your team? Do you love to get up in front of the crowd? To rally the troops? You might have the Working Genius of Galvanising.

    I am spending a number of episodes running through the Working Genius model: It is a self-awareness model which helps you understand what brings you joy and energy in your work. Being a model that directly correlates to the work process, it helps us and our teams become more productive at work.

    The Genius of Galvanising is about rallying and motivating people, often around projects, ideas or initiatives. People with the gift of Galvanising derive joy and energy from inspiring and persuading others to take action to get things moving, even if it involves convincing them to rethink or change their plans. Galvanising is relatively easy to identify as it is an observable and often public activity. The benefits of this genius include nurturing people’s excitement about potential by building energy and momentum around a program or idea. 

    What people with the Genius of Galvanizing tend to think and say:

    “Come on everyone; this is a huge opportunity.”

    “Let’s get going.”

    “Are we all on board with this?”

    “Does everyone here understand why we need to do this?”

    What others think and say about people with the Genius of Galvanizing:

    “He’s got so much energy and passion for what we’re doing.”

    “She can’t hide her excitement.”

    “He’ll stir up momentum when we need it.”

    “You can always count on her to get us going.”

    I have the genius of galvanising and so I find it brings me joy to galvanise, to rally people, to build teams, to create unity in teams. I remember spending time with one particular leader years ago. This leader was incredibly good at getting things done, she was a real servant leader. But she couldn’t delegate or invite others to help. It really frustrated me. Now perhaps there is some growth for her in this too. However the Working Genius has helped me to see that galvanising is going to come very naturally for some and for others it will cause frustration and angst. 

    So if you have the genius of galvanising, make sure you use it to rally your team and bring energy to your workplace. Perhaps you are a team leader and you don’t have the genius of galvanising. It is ideal here, to find someone who does have the genius of galvanising within your team and leverage their genius to ensure your team is feeling energised in their work. 


I love the Genius of Enablement!


Nope! That Won’t Work!